What Are The Features Of Flutter?

Google launched Flutter in May 2017. Flutter is an open-source software development kit for creating Android and iOS apps. Instead of writing different code for each operating system, it uses the same code base to generate a cross-platform mobile application. Dart is the programming language that Flutter applications are written in. To know more about the Flutter application, join Google Flutter Online Course.

1)Hot Reload

Changes in the code are quickly reflected on the UI when you use hot reload. This expedites working on the application’s appearance and allows developers to repair faults, saving money and time.


Flutter allows developers to write code that works across multiple platforms. Two separate applications can share the same codebase. The UI, as well as the UI code, is shareable. This makes maintaining a single codebase much more accessible than maintaining distinct programmes for different platforms.

3)Widget Library

Everything in Flutter is defined as a widget. Anything from colour to padding to a menu can be considered a widget. Flutter can create complex widgets that can be customised to meet the application’s needs. There are also built-in widgets accessible for use. Cupertino pack and Material Design are widget sets that deliver a smooth user experience.

4)Native Performance

Flutter includes platform-specific widgets for Google Fuchsia, Android, and iOS. These widgets can be embedded into the Flutter application to take advantage of platform-specific functionality. Existing Java, Swift, and Objective-C code can use native features like the camera and geolocation. As a result, third-party integrations and APIs can be readily integrated into Flutter.

5)Open Source

Google introduced Flutter as an open-source platform. Developers can experiment with several design possibilities when creating Flutter applications. Material Design and Cupertino widgets can be used to develop user-friendly applications. Flutter Form is a community of specialists who answer and debate Flutter-related queries. Flutter is entirely free, with extensive documentation and online forums.

Thus the features of Flutter are hot reload, cross-platform, widget library, native performance and open source. To learn more about Flutter’s features, join Google Flutter Training In Chennai at FITA Academy.